Error Repair Tool can really help you if you frequently face system crashes, if you are bored with slow performance of your computer, if your computer regularly freezes, if your computer’s hardware not function properly due to corrupted drivers, if your PC is annoying you with blue screens, if you have corrupted registry files and if you have problems during windows or application shutdown. With Error Repair Tool you not only can scan your windows registry for different types of errors with a single mouse click but can also select individual items to scan the registry for errors. Its friendly interface is very supportive for novice users. It comes with four other tools to make your system more clean and secure. One of them is Bowser Helper Object manager, so here you can remove any or all installed browser helper objects. Second one is its Startup Program Manager it can be used to remove any program listed under startup programs list but you can not use this tool to add a new startup item. With its Add/ Remove programs manager of course you can remove any installed program currently installed on your system. Its fourth tool is the Full Registry Backup Utility which helps you to take full backup of your windows registry.